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Beryl & Bertie

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Beryl & Bertie
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Two Birth Flowers and Birth stones this month.
Well what can I say, that’s another month away with very little change from the last 3, lets hope that the month of July starts to bring some return to normal life. …
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Well thats another month of lockdown gone. At least now we have a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully the new measures will bring back some form of normality into our lifes. Still a long way off from a coffee and cake with friends but that …
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January Birth Flower – Carnation. Devotion,Loyalty and Love.
January Birth Stone – Garnet. Believed to bring the wearer good health, wealth and happiness.
The month of January is named after the Roman god of doors, Janus, because this month is the door into the new year. …
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Craig Woods – Castle Loch, Lochmaben
John Bell – Site of Original Dumfries College, Heathhall
Paul Thompson – Dalbeattie Forest.
Well, here we are once again, about to start another year and a new decade. We can only wonder what the future holds for all us ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia sufferers. …
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On a serious note this can also be a very difficult and painful time for all sufferers. If you have any experiences or tips you`d like to share just add it …