John is taking a break this month so the March blog won’t have his usual flair……….
………but here are some of the issues discussed and links posted on our Facebook pages this last month.
Hopefully John will be back soon. Take care and stay safe ?
Local Group News:
Much of the discussion this month has been around the Covid-19 vaccination – symptoms experienced (or not) after getting vaccinated; confusion over some wrongly dated appointment letters; petitions to be included in Group 6 of the vaccination roll-out…..and then confirmation towards the end of the month that ME/CFS patients will be included in the Group 6 cohort in D&G.
- Experiences of catching Covid-19 – and you can read one members’ story in our February newsletter here
- Insights on managing a fibromyalgia flare up.
- Which GP practices members find supportive.
- From the Zoom training event on 11th Feb, AfME’s Self Advocacy Resource ‘Nothing About Me Without Me‘
Craft Workshops:
Corrie’s Wet Flat Felting workshop on Feb 16th was fully booked and a great success, enjoyed by all who took part.
The Silk Painting Cards workshop is fully booked for 3rd March.
There are still some places on the Jewellery and other workshops for Network members.
See the February newsletter for details.
There will also be a workshop on Glass Painting – possibly early May – tba.
Contact Corrie for info and booking.
Our thanks to Foundation Scotland for funding the starter kits.
Article links:
A Self-Care Resource Pack for People living with a Chronic Health Condition
Why do some Covid-19 patients have symptoms long after the virus goes away? NIH aims to find out
Long COVID and ME/CFS – the Brainstem / Dysautonomia Connection
Montreal Study Links Inflammation with PEM in Severely Ill ME/CFS Patients
Ohio State researchers isolate biomarker to test for chronic fatigue syndrome
Low Dose Hydrocortisone: Flare Buster for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Long COVID – we’ve been here before
All in your head? Brain research in ME/CFS
Long Covid kids: Mum’s ‘heartbreak’ over children’s illness