August Birth Flower:
August Birth Stone:
Local & Group News:
Notice of AGM We will hold our AGM on Thursday, 15th October at 2pm.We will not be able to hold it in person due to Covid-19 so this will be conducted online by Zoom. See the September Newsletter page2 (paper version only), or our Facebook page, for the Zoom ID and passcode. We would usually table copies our Annual Reports. However, as we will be meeting virtually we can issue these prior to the AGM instead. Please email our admin if you would like copies sent to you before hand. admin@dgmefm.org.uk We wish to change some of the wording in the Finance section our Constitution,but this would need approval at the AGM.We propose to: Amend the wording in the Finance section (para 6e) of our Constitution from ‘Income and Expenditure Account’ to ‘Receipts and Payment Account’. There would be no change to our current practice as we already keep Receipts and Payment accounts compliant with the 2006 Regulations, but would update the Constitution as advised by the Charity Regulator (OSCR).You can find a link to the Constitution on our website page https://dgmefm.org.uk/about-us-membership
We would also like to invite YOU ! to join the committee. You can be involved as little or as much as you would feel comfortable with. It would be great to have help with projects or even just proof reading before we post items.

I am pleasantly surprised at how the discussion flows. It is good to see fellow Network members joining in and taking support from them.

Hi John I’m just catching on your blog it’s great as always .