The following is a summary of relevant article/research links provided in February by Facebook members. Please click on the article name to open and read it.
Articles / Blogs
- Hypocapnic Cerebral Hypoperfusion: New Kind of Orthostatic Intolerance Points to Key Factor in ME/CFS and Others.
- For all my family and friends
- Musings of a police officer on a diagnosis of ME/CFS.
- A brain short on sleep dials up pain intensity.
- Metabolomics Study Suggests Chronic Fatigue Syndrome May Be Oxidative Stress/Low Oxygen Disease.
- Newly Discovered Gene Governs Need for Sleep When Sick.
- Are Fluoroquinolones Causing Connective Tissue Disorders that are Leading to ME/CFS?
- ‘We want to be regular people’ — pop stars fighting chronic illness.
- Do You Wake Up Between 3 And 5 A.M.? You May Be Having a Spiritual Awakening.
- Masterswitch discovered in body’s immune system.
- Valentines for spoonies.
- Myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome: how could the illness develop?
- Your Resource Centre.
- The Lie in the NIH’s “Accelerating Research on ME/CFS” Slogan.
- Impairments in cognitive performance in chronic fatigue syndrome are common, not related to co-morbid depression but do associate with autonomic dysfunction.
- ‘I’ve been bedridden since January 2018’. The chronic pain surrounded in stigma.
- Welcome to The ME Show with Gary Burgess.
- Are surgeons missing the major differential diagnosis that is more common than multiple sclerosis and HIV combined?
- From Hard Charging Executive to Bed Bound and (Almost) Back Again: An ME/CFS/FM Healing Story.
- Enhancing Blood Volume in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia.
- Could Craniocervical Instability Be Causing ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia & POTS? Pt I – The Brainstem Series.
Members posts / local support discussions
- Organ donation
- Itchy skin
- Muscle spasms
- Home energy assistance
- Restless legs
- Medication changes
- New massage centre in Dumfries
- Diet changes
- Including medical information with PIP application
- Art & Craft Group meet in the United Reformed Church Hall, Annan on the second Wednesday of every month 2-4pm.
- Shopping & cooking meals
Take care and gentle hugs to you all Kim J (Web Support), E-mail: kim@dgmefm.org.uk ?.