The following is a summary of relevant article/research links provided in May by Facebook members. Links to all the items are included, just click on the article name, word ‘link’ or ‘article’ to open.
Articles / Blogs
- Lower regulatory frequency for postural control in patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
- ME Awareness Week: BBC Newsbeat Documentary
- Missing the fizz: my long battle to understand the mysteries of ME
- This is why exercise can’t cure illness
- ‘ME Awareness Week 2018’ New Early Day Motion Launched by Carol Monaghan MP
- ‘Urgent change’ needed to improve lives of ME sufferers
- On Saturday ‘millions’ of ‘missing’ people will reappear for the day
- ME Awareness Week: ‘I have had to give up everything my previous life had to offer’
- Managing Fibromyalgia in the Heat and Humidity
- Cruel Tory ruling on disabled benefits overturned in court
- Worries that keep you awake at night
- Belle and Sebastian singer says ME turned his life upside down
- Robot helps child with ME
- To the #MillionsMissing with ME/CFS, something remarkable is happening
- Chronic fatigue treatment inadequate, say campaigners
- Stephen Kerr MP launches M.E.-friendly GP initiative in Stirling with help from the ME Association
- ‘ME Awareness Week’ New Motion from Gail Ross, MSP, in the Scottish Parliament
- ME Awareness Week Blog
- HealthRising: Montreal ME/CFS I: Metabolism the Main Matter? Exercise Issues Expand & A Bad Brain Motor?
- The Migraine Drug Explosion Begins: Could Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS Benefit?
- I’ve suffered with ME since I was eight – and the way I’m treated hasn’t changed in 30 years.
- Calling all patients: Fill out the research survey about post-exertional malaise (PEM). The survey closes in July.
- ME sufferer who was dismissed as hysterical vindicated in death.
- An MP is calling for a debate into one of the ‘biggest medical scandals’ of the 21st century.
- OMF-funded: Magnetic Levitation Device.
- Chronic fatigue: I was ‘held hostage by ME’
Members posts / local support discussions
- Medication
- Rib pain
- Allergies
- Chairperson, Craig Woods attended the AFME’s Inform ME event in the Edinburgh Parliament on 9th May
- Fatigue
- Diet
- Seated Tai Chi class available in Annan
Take care and gentle hugs to you all Kim J (Web Support), E-mail: kim@dgmefm.org.uk ?
Thanks for sharing all these blog links. I will certainly check which ones I can share right away with my family and friends to spread awareness and see if they already knew about these things.
You are very welcome ?