For those of you looking for advice on diet and nutrition, you may wish to attend the 2nd November Monthly Meeting
Our AGM on 5th October was not well attended. Thank you to the 4 members that Craig (Chairperson) contacted by telephone on the day to agree to their proxy vote being used to allow the AGM to meet quorum of 10 members.
The following is a summary of relevant article/research links provided this month by Facebook members. Links to all the items are included, just click on the article name, word ‘link’ or ‘article’ to open.
Articles / Blogs
- The Future Learn course, ‘The role of personal assistants in disability support’ was shared. Future Learn provide online massive open online courses (MOOC) covering a vast number of subjects and are free to join.
- For people with chronic fatigue syndrome, more exercise isn’t better.
- Melatonin and sleep disturbance.
- Flu and the flu vaccination.
- The film ‘Unrest’ was discussed, check out the Ted Talk ‘What happens when you have a disease doctors can’t diagnose’ by Jennifer Brae. Telegraph article and movie trailer. ME Association review of Unrest in Parliament: “I cannot recall a parliamentary meeting where we have had so much genuine interest in ME/CFS”: link. BBC Breakfast interview with Dr Shepherd and Jen Brea is now on YouTube.
- Treating Autism and ME/CFS: Could One Drug Help Both?
- White Blood Cells Test Can Detect Fibromyalgia: New Findings. See also additional article.
- A Film About Fibromyalgia is Being Produced.
- New vaccine for fibromyalgia treatment that actually work.
Members posts / local support
- An enquiry on ‘graded exercise’ lead to the sharing of ME booklet on pacing. ‘Pacing’ is about balancing activity and rest to help manage M.E. and work towards recovery.
- IBS and stomach problems are a common symptom, discussed during the month.
- Meloxicam and the benefits of attending a local pain association group meeting were discussed.
- Paul (Treasurer) gave thanks to all for their donations during ‘Gift Day’, more information on how to donate at link.
- An 8 week mindfulness course aimed at chronic pain is coming up in November and December at Georgetown Community Centre, details are in the shared document.
- The NHS Dumfries & Galloway is going through some exciting changes, including a move to the new DGRI site in December 2017. As part of these upcoming changes they would like to review how they can improve the Out of Hours Service and are asking for everyones support in this. They have created a 5 min survey for all to complete that will help and inform future Out of Hours service provision in Dumfries & Galloway: Survey link.
Please remember if you are interested in helping with the creation of the monthly Facebook blog, please email Kim J (Web Support) at: kim@dgmefm.org.uk. 😊.
Take care and gentle hugs to you all.