Well spring has finally sprung when the clocks went forward on the 25th of March. Hopefully the weather will get better and we will all feel a little better. I myself am feeling a little better so I hope everyone will to. We have had some new members to the Facebook page and I would like the opportunity to welcome you to the group. As usual we have had a few articles and websites added by the group to keep us informed of what is happening else where in the world. I’m going to list these and I hope you will find them as useful as I have.
Useful Websites and Articles / Blogs
- There is an article about Australians that believe they have found markers for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, here is the link to the article; https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2017/02/28/biomarker-aussies-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/
- NCVBR researchers are close to finding a diagnostic test for ME/CFS, here is the article; http://nvcbr.org/2017/02/28/nvcbr-researchers-close-in-on-a-diagnostic-test-for-mecfs-patients/
- There is a page on Facebook about the research done in Canada, here is a link to the page; https://www.facebook.com/MillionsMissingCanada/
- A Dr Ron Davis announces significant breakthroughs at his lab in the States, here is the link to the article; http://www.meassociation.org.uk/2017/02/dr-ron-davis-announces-significant-breakthroughs-at-his-lab-in-the-states-24-february-2017/
- There is an article from the states about how therapies are getting things wrong in the treatment of CFS, here is the article; https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/18/opinion/sunday/getting-it-wrong-on-chronic-fatigue-syndrome.html?_r=1
- There is a link to a video we can purchase about ME/CFS; https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06XD1L23L/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk. Alternatively, check out a trailer at; https://www.facebook.com/WHAT.ABOUT.ME.THE.FILM/videos/1447469232355/
- There are a few useful articles on the ME action website, here is a link; https://www.actionforme.org.uk/
- There is an article about us on a bad day and how we manage to hide it. I think most of us do this on a regular basis. Here is a link to the article; https://themighty.com/2017/03/hiding-bad-days-of-illness/
What have our members been discussing, including support to them:
As I said at the beginning there are some new members to the group on Facebook. It is great seeing new people introducing themselves.
- Someone asked if we could set up a standing order from the bank to gift a small amount of money monthly to help with the cost of running things in the charity. Cost to send out news letters which involve such things like paper, printer ink and the cost to send, There is no pressure to do this.
- Someone spoke about the effects of amatriptaline and the affects on sleep. I think a lot of us understand the feelings of not sleeping and how it makes us feel. This person was asking how others cope with it.
- Someone mentioned that Gala Bingo clubs Dumfries are looking for charities to help. It would be amazing if they could help us. A big thanks to the person that mentioned it.
- Thanks to the person that added a picture of their garden. I have to admit your garden looks amazing in the sunshine.
- Someone was seeking advice on Vitamin b12 injections and the trouble they have been having with injection. I really hope this works out for the best.
Well that’s it for March. Next month will be time for the Easter bunny and new flowers springing up well hopefully. Please don’t forget we meet at the midsteple in Dumfries on the 1st of the month. And the link to the Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/groups/dgmefm/ There are lots of lovely people to talk to for advice or a chat or for information.
Bye for now,
Michelle x
Thank you for this blog, it has great information links. I see you have given links for M.E and CFS, is there a reason there’s no links for Fibromyalgia?
Hi Annie, thank you for taking the time to comment. I am glad you found the blog useful. We would recommend http://www.fmauk.org/ if you wish a link for Fibromyalgia. We also have a list of useful links on our ‘Local and National Links’ page within our website.