A message from the Network secretary:
I am sure you are all pleased to see our December Newsletter, available at; December 2016 Newsletter. Thank you everyone who contributed to this edition. If you have a story about your illness that you feel happy to share, please get in touch by emailing us at; admin@dgmefm.org.uk. Members have all been provided with a small supply of leaflets with this Newsletter in an attempt to spread the word of our existence and to point those newly diagnosed towards the help and support which is available.
November 2016 Facebook Blog from Network Member Michelle:
The winter is certainly with us and we are all dealing with the effects that comes with it. The big man in the red suite is also coming ever so fast. As usual the Facebook page has been a height of activity. Here is a summary off the activity in the group.
Articles / Blogs
Here is a few links to sites that people have added for some great reading:
- There is a lot of information on ME on the ME association web site, they have many topics that are very informative such as the hunt for the “smoking gun” of chronic fatigue syndrome ME. They also have a wide range of information on the PACE Trials. ME association have a page on Facebook here is a link to it: https://www.facebook.com/ME-Association-171411469583186/?fref=nf
- There is an article about the PACE trial from Australia. https://meaustralia.net/2016/11/29/alem-matthees-how-an-australians-foi-request-busted-open-a-uk-science-scandal/
- Parliamentary Questions asked by MP Kelvin Hopkins re the MEGA Research. There is a petition on change.org here is the link https://www.change.org/p/opposing-mega-a-vote-of-no-confidence-in-mega-research-for-me-cfs/u/18598481?recruiter=2017366&utm_source=share_update&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=facebook_link
- An article about how it feels to have CFS http://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-what-it-s-like-to-have-chronic-fatigue-syndrome
- When You Are Judged for Having ‘Strong Moments’ in Public With an Invisible Illness, this article is from the mighty web site. https://themighty.com/2016/11/being-judged-for-appearing-healthy-with-an-invisible-illness/
- There is a good website that has good ways of dealing with ME/CFS here is the link: https://livingwithchronicfatiguesyndrome.wordpress.com/2016/10/15/treatments-for-mecfs/
- The ME Association are aiming to raise money if y0u are interested to find out more here is a link to the page: http://www.meassociation.org.uk/how-you-can-help/make-me-better/
- This is a great visual piece on how fascia tissue reacts. I believe tight fascia tissue plays a great part in my upper body pain alongside the fibromyalgia tender points here is a link to the video: https://www.facebook.com/massageonthespot/
- There has been a report from the BBC that there is a rise in 16 year old’s that suffer from CFS, here is the articles link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-35383832?SThisFB
- The BBC ran an article about the changes in benefits in Scotland: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-37928504
- Could Fibromyalgia Be a Low Endorphin Disease? Endorphins are some of those feel-good chemicals that reduce pain and allow us to feel happy. Here is the article: http://www.healthrising.org/blog/2016/11/07/fibromyalgia-endorphins-exercise/
- Here is an article about research into CFS: http://www.investinme.org/Article%20501-biomarker-research-advances.shtml
- Information on CFS is available at: http://www.healthrising.org/blog/2016/11/10/metabolomics-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-starvation-austral
- There is an article that is against the flu immunisation here it is to help make an informed discussion: http://healtheternally.com/1642/heres-why-doctors-say-you-shouldnt-get-the-flu-shot/
- There is an article about how cannabis science has helped Fibromyalgia sufferers, here is the article: http://fibromyalgianewstoday.com/2016/11/04/cannabis-science-announces-pharmaceutical-development-of-pain-patch-for-patients-with-diabetic-nerve-pain-and-fibromyalgia
- ME Association comments on today’s news reports about the online CBT Trial for children: http://www.meassociation.org.uk/2016/11/me-association-comments-on-todays-news-reports-about-the-online-cbt-trial-for-children-1-november-2016/
What have our members been discussing, including support to them
There have been many topics discussed, from how the winter has affected a persons health to new members joining Facebook. Someone spoke about the signs of Hypothyroidism and the testing of it.
We have a Christmas meal organised on the 11th December 12.30pm at “The Swan”, why not add yourself to the group and find out more.
Well I hope everyone has a good Christmas what ever you do. Much love from Michelle <3<3